Lista de episodios:
1- Beard to Be Feared
2- Quackor the fowl
3- Ant Pants
4- Mom&Jerry
5- Chubby Cheese
6- That crazy robot
7- D and DD
8- Hamhocks and Armlocks
9- Hunger strikes
10- Morning stretch
11- Book em
12- Sister´s got a brand new bag
13- Lab of the lost
14- Labels
15- Fantastic Boyage
16- Filet of soul
17- Snowdown
18- Figure not incluided
19- Mock
20- Ewww that's growth
21- Nuclear confusion
22- Germ warfare
23- A hard day's day
24- Road rash
25- Ocean commotion
26- (T.J.F) things that go bonk in the night
27- Ol' McDexter
28- Photo Finish
29- Star check unconventional
30- Dexter is dirty
31- Ice cream scream
32- Decode of honor 2
33- World's greatest mom
34- Ultrajerk 2000
35- Techno turtle
36- Surprise
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